
澹台小阿涵: 最近好像又开始有点懈怠
2013-11-14 07:22
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
  • 云苏缱缱: sexy back[s:花痴] (11-17 05:08)
  • kanaetsuruga: 回复@云苏缱缱 : If it's so sexy ... I can ask a question, try downloading the volume of Skip Beat 31, but does not show me the download link, you know the reason?[s:Triste] (11-17 07:22)
  • kanaetsuruga: 回复@云苏缱缱 : If it's so sexy ... I can ask a question, try downloading the volume of Skip Beat 31, but does not show me the download link, you know the reason?[s:Triste] (11-17 07:22)
  • 云苏缱缱: 回复@kanaetsuruga : the volume of Skip Beat 31? You mean the cartoon? Do you have the link? Send it to me, let me check (11-18 00:28)
  • kanaetsuruga: 回复@云苏缱缱 : I refer to the volume published some days ago, but I could not download it gave dont me the option to download, and I need to color u.u...http://redfaces.net/read.php?tid-6393.html (11-18 04:10)
  • kanaetsuruga: 回复@云苏缱缱 : I refer to the volume published some days ago, but I could not download it gave dont me the option to download, and I need to color u.u...http://redfaces.net/read.php?tid-6393.html (11-18 04:10)
  • 云苏缱缱: 回复@kanaetsuruga : this is the download website
    and this is the password m8ao to enter the download website. Then you could see the real download page. There are two buttons you can click, (11-19 04:34)
  • 云苏缱缱: One of them is showen as "download 36.96M". You just click it ,then you should download it I think. If there are any problems let me know~Enjoy it (11-19 04:37)
  • kanaetsuruga: 回复@云苏缱缱 : Many, thank you very much, I do saved my life, I adore <3 (11-19 17:20)
2013-11-13 04:48
setsuka21: [s:Anthomaniac]
2013-11-12 12:32
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-11 06:58
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-11 06:55
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-11 06:53
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-11 06:50
shuangchi: 也許日子裡的驚濤駭浪,不過是人生中的水花搖晃。 讓我將這一刻的單純美好,牢牢記下。
2013-11-10 00:05
eidyrrehs: 一直作死却不会死得我。
2013-11-9 02:15
nawmi: 這個圖真可愛喵~:))
2013-11-8 21:44
janne: 每天来刷一刷啊[s:乖]
2013-11-8 11:10
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-7 07:56
和風紫菜: 今天考完數學 傷亡慘重的感覺……[s:I服了U]而且真如班主任所說的 先考了中英數的話 雖然還有歷史地理 但感覺已經考完試了(其實還沒的) 然後今天就懶懶閒的上網看漫畫了…[s:不会吧]太不知所謂啦 應該趁早睡一睡再溫習才對!
2013-11-6 16:39
澹台小阿涵: 可找到好玩的东西了
2013-11-6 02:24
tw229546: 人生苦短呀~
2013-11-5 00:20
shuangchi: 眼睛,要用來看更真實、更深入的內在。
2013-11-5 00:07
janne: 求不删啊
2013-11-4 16:30
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-4 08:17
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-4 08:14
kanaetsuruga: 分享图片
2013-11-4 08:11


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